A family smiles with their catch at Kids Spring Fishing Day in May. Photo by Megan Bradley/USFWS.
More than 3,000 people connected with hatchery staff at outreach events and school trips this spring, including more than 1,900 kids! Staff traveled to 9 outreach events at schools, museums, and nature centers conducting programs on mussels, fish, and other aquatic organisms. On station, staff hosted 21 school field trips ranging in age from pre-school to college. Students toured hatchery facilities, explored the Great River Road Interpretive Center, and some groups had the unique opportunity to view fish relocation operations. A highlight from this season includes Kids Spring Fishing Day on May 18, 2019, where close to 250 people joined hatchery staff and volunteers for a day of fishing fun. 136 children first walked through a set of 4 learning stations. After an hour of learning more about fish and conservation, the kids were allowed to put their newfound knowledge to practical use with a 2 hour open fishing event on a stocked hatchery pond. Most children went home with their five fish limit. A light lunch was provided by our Friends group, and many door prizes were distributed thanks to local area vendors supporting the event. Many thanks to the staff, sponsors, volunteers, and Friends of the Upper Mississippi for making this event possible.
Are you interested in bringing your group to the hatchery? Contact the hatchery Environmental Education Specialist, Raena Parsons, for more information. Raena_Parsons@fws.gov or 608-689-2605.